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Zermelo supports educators with its scheduling software

Schools across the Netherlands use the Zermelo platform to make schedules and announcements to students. Zermelo has thousands of people relying on its software to schedule their commitments.

The Challenge

Zermelo is an education software company offering a modern solution for creating schedules and rosters for the education sector, specializing in secondary education. Zermelo’s platform is widely used across the education sector throughout the Netherlands.

With the introduction of data regulation rules and an expanding customer base, a robust in-house customer support system with rich functionality was required. Gerard Krul, Head of IT at Zermelo, was in charge of finding a new help desk solution.

‘Before we moved to Deskpro we were using Zoho. This was hosted in the US which caused all kinds of issues.’

The Solutions

After rigorously testing a shortlist of help desk providers, Deskpro’s On-Premise solution turned out to be a great fit for Zermelo. It allowed data to be stored on its own servers, and manage the email and phone requests received from its customers every day. Gerard also found that he was able to easily integrate Deskpro with its existing systems.

It was so easy to integrate – everything is now managed from one place which makes life much easier.
Gerard Krol Head of IT

The Benefits

Zermelo now uses Deskpro to manage its licensing and track client journeys, for both email and phone communication. It was the robust and configurable ticketing functionality that convinced Gerard that Deskpro was the right solution for Zermelo.

The ability for Deskpro to be deployed onsite was a key reason for moving away from Zoho (which is only available on the Cloud deployment). It now enables Gerard and his team to be able to have complete control over data. With mounting data privacy rules, including GDPR, Deskpro provided Zermelo with the perfect On-Premise option.

The Future

Initially, Zermelo purchased Deskpro to manage their email requests and track the calls from their existing phone system. However, thanks to the seamless workflows and rich reporting in Deskpro, they are now looking forward to fully integrating the Voice solution.

As Zermelo's coverage of schools across the Netherlands expands, their IT and support teams will grow. So it was important for Gerard to purchase a help desk solution that would scale alongside Zermelo without breaking the bank.