
Don't compromise on individuality.

Run and support several different brands or departments from the same help desk platform, with a collaborative multi-brand help desk solution.

We manage a number of separate brands, and it's important to us to keep these separate when it comes to tracking how customers interact with them. This allows us to trace different entry points across our entire organization.
Matt Goldfarb Executive Director of Support

Deskpro's multi-branding is perfect for organizations with a need for:

Multiple Brands
Create customizable Help Centers to reflect your different brands.
Multiple Audiences
Optimize and vary the customer experience for your different audiences.
Multiple Products
Offer different support in line with your range of products or services.
Provide multiple Help Centers and localize content . Accessible for everyone.
Individual Help Centers
Help Center content tailored to each of your brands needs. Including visibility.
Avoid Confusion
Separating out your brands content reduces risk of customer confusion.


Streamline your workflows with a multi-brand solution

Multi-brand enables you to run and support several different brands or departments from the same help desk. It enables large scale separation of specific departments to organize your Help Center.

Deskpro's multi-brand functions make adding brands to your organization simple and it doesn't have to come at a huge price; with multi-brand capabilities included across all Deskpro plans.

We tried a few different help desks but when I tried Deskpro the multi-branding capabilities really won me over.
Mark Frankfurt Founder & CEO


Let your customers know they're in the right place

Customize your individual Help Centers to fit each of your brand or departmental imagery. Each Help Center can have its own logo, welcome message, font type and color; so you can truly represent each of your brands individually. You can also do more advanced editing with our templates or CSS editor.

You can host each of your brand's Help Centers off their own URL or you can use your main URL with branded slugs depending on how separately you want your subsidiaries to operate.


Make routine tasks more efficient and optimize your organization's processes

With multiple-brands it's important to keep your help desk organized and running seamlessly. Deskpro's automations help to keep you in control of all the complex processes that occur across all your help desk platforms.


Organize your brands with powerful automations

Admins control ticket visibility for your agents so you can decide how tickets will be allocated to your various departments across your subsidiaries.

Ticket triggers
Automate how your help desk receives tickets with custom triggers that control your internal workflow processes to manage how your tickets are allocated to individual brands.
Ticket routing
Automate how tickets are routed to the relevant brand or department based on which Help Center they are submitted through.


Stay on top of your tickets

Never lose track of your tickets with automated processes that prompt agent actions.

Service Level Agreements set custom goals for ticket responses and prompt agent actions when they are close to failing, these can be customized per brand.
After a specific amount of time has elapsed automatically re-assign or increase ticket urgency or send a follow up to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
We tried OSTicket, Freshdesk and a few others, but none of them provided the flexibility and full multi-brand compatibility that Deskpro does.
Roshan Vinayan Project Manager


Choose which brands your agents can access

Agent permissions are controlled by your admins and determine what you agents can see or do within the help desk.

Knowledge Base

Create dedicated knowledge bases and communities

Each of your brands can have a knowledge base and community that is distinct from one another. Individual News, Knowledge Base articles, Guides, FAQs and Files can be published across each Help Center.

Brand or product-specific information can be published to ensure your customers can easily find the relevant content on a clear and distinctive Help Center.


Easily navigate your analytics

Use Deskpro's reports dashboard and builder to generate and view data about your company's performance across each brand. Reports can be set to automatically update certain members of your organization by email on a regular schedule.

You can create brand-specific dashboards for each of your children companies and departments to keep all of your statistics clearly separated.

If I was running my own business and needed to set up a help desk I would consider Deskpro.
Brandon Skinner Help Desk Manager